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    3 Reasons to use TalkNotes AI for

    ·January 4, 2024
    ·3 min read

    Talknotes - Note Taking Made Easy

    Affiliate Link Disclaimer: This website contains affiliate and referral links. If you click on these links and make a purchase, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

    Talknotes is a iPhone and Web app made by Nico on Twitter. Based on watching Audiopen, Voicenotes, and other AI transcription apps, Talknotes has a velocity that (I believe) will take it above and beyond the competition.

    Compared to taking voice note on iPhone with the default voice memo app, Talknotes elevates the experience by converting your voice into summarised text, making it perfect for brainstorming, random thoughts, or even shopping lists.

    Talknotes AI (See the microphone?) taking off in 2024

    1. TalkNotes is (mostly) Built in Public

    Nico shares much of the journey of building Talknotes on his Twitter feed, and actively replies to comments and user suggestions.

    For example, here's him testing new methods of getting user testimonials:


    And, again, replying to users, even to the point of creating a full redesign:

    This is a marked difference from other (even mature tools), where the pace can be slower, and user concerns may not be valued.

    Since this app has been built on Twitter and the founder (Nico) continues to reply to comments, as a user, you can feel like part of the process and valued. If I compare the time it takes for a 'mature' app or team to get a feature launched, TalkNotes makes me feel as if my money goes further.

    2. TalkNotes.ai Pricing

    TalkNotes, priced at $59 annually with its limited-time launch offer, presents a compelling value proposition when compared to other services and products in a similar price range. To contextualize its cost, let's explore how TalkNotes stacks up against other purchases one might consider in this price bracket.

    1. Streaming Services Subscription: For about the same yearly cost as TalkNotes, one could subscribe to a premium streaming service like Netflix or Spotify. While these services offer entertainment and music, TalkNotes provides a practical tool for productivity and efficiency in professional and personal settings. It's a choice between leisure and utility – TalkNotes stands out as a tool that can potentially enhance work performance, education, and personal organization, offering a different kind of value.

    2. Educational Courses or Workshops: In the realm of personal development, the annual cost of TalkNotes is on par with many online courses or workshops. These educational resources can provide valuable learning experiences in various fields. However, TalkNotes offers a practical application that can be used daily. It's an investment in a tool that simplifies the task of note-taking and content creation, potentially saving hours of effort and enhancing productivity across various activities, from capturing brainstorming sessions to documenting educational notes.

    3. Gym Memberships: A typical gym membership can also fall into this price range. While gym memberships invest in physical health, TalkNotes invests in cognitive and organizational efficiency. It's particularly beneficial for those who value time-saving tools that streamline their workflow. The app’s ability to transcribe, edit, and organize voice notes into different styles and formats, along with its capacity to handle multilingual input, positions it as a versatile tool for diverse user needs. Bonus thought: Why not invest in both? Talknotes gives you the unique opportunity to take notes while at the gym.

    In conclusion, when compared to leisure subscriptions, educational resources, or fitness investments, TalkNotes offers a unique blend of utility and efficiency. Its appeal lies in its ability to transform the often arduous task of note-taking into a streamlined, effortless process, making it a worthy investment for those looking to enhance their productivity and organizational skills.

    3. Fast Updates and Users are the Primary Driver

    The Talknotes Landing page

    As I was writing this up, I received another newsletter update from Talknotes and it felt too good not to add. The commitment to rapid development and aligning closely with user needs, reminiscent of the early days of iPhone innovation, is clear. This update brings a suite of enhancements and new features that cater directly to user feedback and desires:

    • Shareable Notes: Users can now easily share their notes. This is achieved by making notes public in the settings and copying the link for seamless sharing.

    • Custom Words Addition: In response to popular demand, there's now an option to add custom words and expressions, enhancing the AI’s transcription accuracy.

    • Folders for Organization: Improved organizational capabilities are introduced with the ability to sort notes into folders using the bulk edit feature.

    • iOS App Launch: The much-anticipated iOS app is now available, with an Android version expected soon pending Google's approval.

    • Bug Fixes and Improvements: Several small bugs were addressed, including duplicate transcripts, and general app improvements have been made, like removing the need for frequent logins.

    Bonus: 10 Ideas of ways to use TalkNotes.ai to replace Voice Notes on iPhone

    1. Idea Incubator: Transform fleeting thoughts into structured brainstorm gems.

    2. Content Factory: Speak blogs into existence; from voice to viral content.

    3. Emotion Express: Voice journal your heart out; let AI pen down your soul.

    4. Interview Wizard: Turn chit-chats into neatly typed chat logs.

    5. Meeting Magician: Capture every "Aha!" in meetings, miss nothing.

    6. Study Sidekick: Convert lectures into study guides with a word.

    7. Task Whisperer: Dictate tasks; watch them line up like obedient ducks.

    8. Language Gym: Talk in tongues, perfect pronunciation with text feedback.

    9. Story Spinner: Speak tales, let AI weave them into written wonders.

    10. Accessibility Ally: Voice your needs, let AI do the typing dance.

    There you have it! 3 reasons and a bonus for why Talknotes AI is a great tool to use for your future. If you end up signing up, please use my affiliate link here to support:


    Try Talknotes Today

    Transform your note taking process.

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